Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) is a British actress and humanitarian. Hepburn was a major Hollywood star of the 1950s and 1960s, starring in classic films such as Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961), The Nun's Story (1956) and my favorite film by her Roman Holiday (1959). Hepburn later retired from acting and served as an brand ambassador for UNICEF.

Audrey's Short Biography

Audrey Hepburn was born to an English Father and Dutch mother in Belgium, May 4th, 1929. Her father’s job as an insurance agent meant the family often moved between England, Holland and Belgium. In 1935, her parents divorced; one reason for this was that her father was a Nazi sympathizer.

The divorce was very traumatic for six-year-old Audrey; she would later say it was the most traumatic incident of her life. After the war, despite suffering under the Nazi occupation,  Audrey later tracked down her father to Dublin and supported him financially. From 1935–1938, Audrey went to boarding school in Kent, in 1939 her mother moved the family to Arnhem in the Netherlands, where she thought it would be safe from Nazi invasion.
However, in 1940, the Netherlands was overrun, and the country fell under Nazi occupation until liberation in 1945. During this time, Audrey went to school at the Arnhem conservatory where she also studied ballet. At one time she considered taking ballet as a career. During the occupation, it was said she would often dance in various locations, helping to raise money for the underground movement.
Towards the end of the war, the occupation of Netherlands became increasingly brutal. After the D-Day landings of 1944, the Germans took most of the pitiable rations of the Dutch, leaving many to starve or freeze to death. Reprisals and shootings against the local population were common. As a young girl, Audrey saw her uncle and mother’s cousin shot in the street by the Germans. She also recalls seeing a trainload of Jewish children being herded into cattle trucks for deportation.

With a complicated love story and experienced many unpleasant things, in the end Hepburn found her true love, and spend the rest of her life as Brand Ambassador of UNICEF. 

You also asking why she choose to be Brand Ambassador of UNICEF while she can be anything. She choose to be Brand Ambassador of UNICEF because she has experienced how miserable life in war, therefore she chose to be part of UNICEF and become a loving and caring woman for others, especially those in need.

"A woman's beauty is not seen in the clothes she wears, but in her personality or in the way she takes care of herself." 
- Audrey Hepburn - 

From her, we learn that beautiful is not always 'bout your appearance/your look, but the real means of 'beautiful' is start from your heart. 
What's the use of your beautiful face if your heart isn't as pretty as your face?
She show the real means of  'Beautiful'. Where her heart as pretty as her face.

For those of you who feel insecure because you feel your face is ugly and no one likes you, you are wrong.
Beauty is relative and not  always 'bout your face, but 'bout your heart and behavior.

Thank you for your attention,  I hope you can get a good lesson from her. I'm sorry for my words may offend you. See ya!



I really want to have Audrey funko pop, maybe anyone can suggest where I should buy, or want to give it as a gift for me?
Haha jk >.<

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